Homemade Authentic Marshmallows

Homemade Authentic Marshmallows

Marshmallow root Infusion:
4 tbsp marshmallow root
4 cups water

Let the mixture infuse overnight, then strain the next day.


2 ½ tbsp gelatin (or 2 tbsp agar-agar powder or 10 sheets of gelatin)
1 cup marshmallow infusion
1 tbsp vanilla extract
1 cup honey or agave syrup
1 tsp slippery elm powder
Arrowroot powder (or cornstarch) for dusting
Optional: 1 tbsp natural color (e.g., beetroot, matcha, pea flower) and 5 drops of edible essential oil

Line molds (I used a round pie pan) with parchment paper and dust with arrowroot powder (or cornstarch)

In a mixing bowl, combine ½ cup of the marshmallow infusion with the gelatin. Let it bloom for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, in a pot, mix the remaining ½ cup of infusion with 1 cup of your chosen sweetener. Bring to a boil and cook on medium-high heat for 9 minutes or until the temperature hits 225 degrees F

In another bowl, mix the slippery elm powder and vanilla extract. Add to the bloomed gelatin then pour the hot syrup on top.

Using a mixer at high speed, whip the mixture for 8–10 minutes until it becomes fluffy. Pour the fluffy mixture into the molds and let it set for 4–5 hours. Once set, cut and enjoy.

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